The Phantom Menace

We continue to pollute the air and the oceans as if that is our God-given right. We find the most bizarre excuses to abuse and to fight each other. Nation states install “eyes in the sky” with the capacity to monitor individuals’ every movement, and execute them at whim with drone-delivered precision. Continue…

Andreas M. Antonopoulos: Bitcoin’s True Potential in 90 Minutes

Kevin Rose interviews Andreas M. Antonopoulos, author of “Mastering Bitcoin” (O’Reilly). In just ninety minutes Andreas rattles through decentralization, Bitcoin’s volatility, transitioning to micro-streaming payments, Andreas’ favorite wallet, decentralized exchanges, the future of Ethereum and privacy coins like Zcash and Continue…

Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution

A documentary film exploring the origins of Bitcoin, its role in society, and how it could shape the future of our world. For the first time in history money is no longer controlled by banks or governments, but by the people who use it.​ Magic Money paints a future where control of our money is taken away from global institutions and given back to us. Continue…