Nature Bats Last with Guy McPherson

Nature Bats Last with Guy McPherson


Mother Nature
Mother Nature
She’s gonna’ get ya’
She’s gonna’ get ya’

Mother Nature
She’s grown to hate ya’
She’s gonna’ get ya’
Gonna get ya’, you betcha’

She bats last, and
She’s coming out swinging
She bats last, and
She’s just about taken all that She can take

And it’s payback time, Motherfuckers
It’s payback time
I said it’s payback time, Motherfuckers
It’s payback time

[Guy’s voice:]
“Every year of my life – that’s almost 52 years so far – the world has become a worse and worse place
“Every year we have polluted more water than the year before
“Every year there’s been less clean air than the year before that
“Every year there are fewer and fewer species on the planet than the year before that”

“We’re driving 200 species a day to extinction
“We’re about to see that turn around
“The living planet is about to make a comeback
“And that’s really, really good news”

She bats last, and
She’s coming out swinging
She bats last, and
She’s just about taken all that She can take

And it’s payback time, Motherfuckers
It’s payback time
I said it’s payback time, Motherfuckers
It’s payback time

For the strip-mined land
For the poisoned seas
For the acid rain
For another dead species
For uranium ore
For screwing your kids for a few dollars more

Now it’s payback time, Motherfuckers
It’s payback time

[Guy’s voice:]
“The living planet is about to make a comeback
“The living planet is about to make a comeback
“The living planet is about to make a comeback
“And that’s really, really good news”

Credit and Thanks for “Nature Bats Last” to AfriZen