Hidden Secrets of Money Documentary Series

Hidden Secrets of Money Documentary Series

Throughout the ages, many things have been used as currency: livestock, grains, spices, shells, beads, and now paper. But only two things have ever been money: gold and silver. When paper money becomes too abundant, and thus loses its value, man always turns back to precious metals. During these times there is always an enormous wealth transfer, and it is within your power to transfer that wealth away from you or toward you.

Episode 1: Money vs Currency

Mike Maloney takes you to Egypt to unravel the difference between currency and money. This is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn, and will pave the way for your understanding of future episodes. Because without knowing exactly what money is, how can we expect to understand the ramifications of how it is treated by different civilizations, politicians, and central bankers?

Episode 2: The 7 Stages of Empire

Mike takes us to Greece to learn when, where and why currency became money. You’ll also learn about one of the most predictable long-term economic cycles – the Seven Stages Of Empire. Then join Mike at a private meeting in London where he lets you connect the dots of the seven stages across the last 140 years of our own monetary history.

Episode 3: From Dollar Crisis to Golden Opportunity

Mike was asked to speak at an event in Singapore and to give his opinion on the future of the US Dollar. His presentation was titled “Death Of The Dollar Standard” and showed very clearly that the Dollar Standard is developing serious cracks, and will likely split at the seams during this decade. How will this affect you? It’s not all doom and gloom, as you’ll learn from watching the video.

Episode 4: The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind

Most people can feel deep down that something isn’t quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck… every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today. The powers that be DO NOT WANT you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food chain for the last 100 years…

Episode 5: Where Does Money Come From?

In this installment, we travel to Berlin and Frankfurt, where we were able to film in the money museum inside the Bundesbank, one of the world’s largest Central Banks. This episode serves as an ideal primer for those waking up to the monetary matrix around them, as it clearly shows the history of true money and why it so important to our freedom. The quality of a society is directly proportional to the quality of its money. Debase a currency for long enough, and you end up with dangerous deficits, debt-driven disasters, and eventually… delusional dictators. History proves this to be true.

Episode 6: The Rollercoaster Crash

Mike shares four reasons a deflationary crash bigger than 1929 is coming. This episode features all his latest evidence rolled into one, succinct argument that makes it easy to see exactly how the Fed and the world’s central banks have set us up for a collapse.

Episode 7: The USA’s Day of Reckoning

Mike glimpses into the near future to show you how fast the U.S. dollar and economy could collapse. You’ll learn about the velocity of currency, a concept economists try to complicate but that is actually quite simple when you realize it has more to do with psychology than numbers. You’ll also see all the potential moves the Federal Reserve will attempt to prevent disaster and how they will all fail.

Mike also takes you back to the 1920s to show you the astonishing parallels to today and what life could be like in the years ahead. He is joined by Jim Rickards and Rick Rule who provide further insights into the bond markets, currency creation, and of course precious metals. It’s only a matter of time before USA’s day of reckoning.

Episode 8: The Crypto Revolution

Today, mankind stands at a crossroads, and the path that humanity chooses may have a greater impact on our freedom and prosperity than any event in history.

In 2008, a new technology was introduced that is so important that its destiny and the destiny of mankind are inextricably interlinked.

It is so powerful that if captured and controlled it could enslave all of humanity, but if allowed to remain free and flourish, it could foster unimaginable levels of peace and prosperity. 

It has the power to replace all financial systems globally, to supplant 90% of Wall Street and to provide some functions of government. It has no agenda. It’s always fair and impartial. It cannot be manipulated, subverted, corrupted, or cheated, and it inverts the power structure and places control of one’s destiny in the hands of the individual.

Episode 9: Fall of Empires – Rome vs USA

In this episode Mike draws eerie parallels to the misguided leaders and monetary policies that doomed civilizations from Ancient Rome to modern-day America. Can President Trump save America? Will the Federal Reserve Board be able to pull off yet another round of extremist interference and postpone a crisis? Find out how Mike believes it will play out. 

Episode 10: American Bread and Circus

Following up on the success HSOM Episode 9, watch the powerful conclusion to this two-part installment.